Data Models (Schemas)

In OpenAPI 3.0, the data types exposed by an API are described using an extended subset of the JSON Schema Specification Wright Draft 00 (aka Draft 5).

Parameters, request body and response payloads can all be assigned a schema instance to describe their data structure. For a given schema instance, the type keyword indicates the data type that it represents and can be set to string, number, integer, boolean, array or object. Schemas can be defined inline or they can reference a shared definition from the components.schemas section of the OpenAPI document. To learn more about the use of JSON Schema’s in the OpenAPI Specification, checkout out the OpenAPI docs here.

When generating parameters, a requestBody, or responses for an operation, Swashbuckle will automatically generate a corresponding schema according to the model type and your application’s serialization settings. For simple types (e.g. string, int etc.), it will define the schema inline whereas for user-defined reference types (e.g. User) it will define the schema in the components.schemas section of the OpenAPI document and reference the definition via the $ref keyword.

For example, consider the following action that accepts a number of parameters from the request query string, and returns an object that will be serialized to the response payload.

For the parameters, Swashbuckle will generate the schemas according to ASP.NET Core’s model binding behavior, and for the response it will generate the schema according to the JSON serializer behavior:


By default, Swashbuckle will honor the behavior of the System.Text.Json (STJ) serializer that ships with ASP.NET Core. If you’re using the Newtonsoft serializer, then you’ll need to install an additional package and explicitly opt-in for Swashbuckle to honor it’s behavior instead. See Serializer Support for more info.